Dimensional Weighing | RVSS
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Rotating Volume Scanner System

The RVSS was developed in order to capture dimensions of large freight and pallets directly on a pallet wrapper, making the process more efficient in warehouse and distribution environments. RVSS (Rotating Volume Scanning System) can be used with your existing pallet wrapper, with a new wrapper, or by adding a rotating turn-table to your operations. Field proven Class 1 infrared laser-sensing technology is used with the RVSS providing the ability to measure any shape, color, packaging material, and in any orientation or lighting environment. This adaptability makes the RVSS unique in this scope because of the technology used and the applications involved. Read more below to find out why the RVSS is your best option for large freight dimensioning systems, call us to discuss your unique application.

RVSS Features


2D Lidar Infrared Scanner For Accurate Dimensional Scanning

The RVSS System incorporates the SICK LMS500 2D Lidar Infrared Scanner for capturing dimensional measurements. The SICK LMS500 sensor is not affected by direct and in-direct lighting that can affect other camera based systems, and can measure any item regardless of the material color which can be very important in pallet wrapping applications. The SICK sensor has a response time of less than 10 milliseconds and can measure a pallet with-in 5 seconds, depending on the speed of the rotating base.

Agweigh Floor Scale

Integrated Precision Weighing Instruments

The RVSS dimensional scanning system can be integrated with a floor scale designed with your precise application in mind. Each system can utilize NTEP Approved load cells and scale indicators to ensure high accuracy dimensional weight. The added scale can complement an existing pallet wrapper application to save precious time when unloading or loading cargo.

RVSS Software GUI

Advanced Interface Application G.U.I.

The RVSS dimensional scanning system includes, at no additional cost, advanced operational software designed to run on most any standard windows device. This integrated software application provides users with a very intuitive, flexible capabilities for interfacing to existing shipping and warehousing systems. Your team can now easily operate and interface your dimensional and weight data directly into your existing software platforms. Thorough testing has been completed with USPS/FedEx/DHL/USPS software applications and interfaces, as well as many WMS and ERP systems like Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft.

Cognex Dataman 370

Dimensional Scanning Data Collection Interface

Further automate capturing dimensions and weights by incorporating data collection devices like handheld scanners and mobile computers from Zebra, Honeywell, or Cognex. Using the ten custom fields in the RVSS software, you can capture SKU’s, LPN’s, and other important material handling information. This information can then be imported via .csv into your ERP system, or using the web services interface can be automatically entered into your existing WMS, TMS, or ERP system. With the web services interface the dimension and weight data can be displayed with-in your existing software interface or terminal emulation application leading to faster implementation time and user familiarity with your existing software systems.

Camera Interface

Add a high definition camera to your RVSS dimensional weighing and scanning system to capture and store image files for every object. Using a standard USB web cam, the RVSS software will capture an image and save it along with all of the user text fields. You can choose the storage location for images, and the custom user field that you would like to use for the name; like SKU or item number. This feature is beneficial in pack stations where users want to verify contents, or for receiving application in order to capture product images for WMS applications.

test weights

No On-Site Maintenance or Calibration Required

The RVSS dimensional weighing scanner does not require expensive on-site maintenance or calibration. All essential services can be done through remote access support, with-out requiring a Walz Label and Mailing Systems technician to be on-site. This feature combined with affordable replacement parts makes the RVSS one of the most cost effective systems to implement. If you require annual or quarterly calibrations, Walz Scale can provide weight kits, or we can get you in contact with a local scale dealer in your geographic location.

cab squix thermal printer

Label Printer Integration

During the data collection process using the RVSS dimensional weighing system, you can also integrate with many makes and models of thermal label printers to print product details including weight, length, width, and height. Taking it a step further you can automatically apply a label using a print and apply label applicator. These labels can be used later in your material handling process to capture dimensions and weights using barcode scanners, or to trigger business decisions made by staff members.